Our Vision

Climate-smart communities and ecosystems for sustainable development in Tanzania.

Our Mission

We aspire to become a role model organization in Tanzania and Sub-Saharan Africa for building capacity and gender-focused climate resilience among vulnerable communities and ecosystems, especially in rural areas.

Who we are

Climate Resilience and Adaptation Solutions Tanzania (CRAST) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit, and non-partisan organization established by climate and natural resources experts in Tanzania.

Our goal is to provide vulnerable populations and ecosystems in Tanzania with innovative climate adaptation solutions that  build resilience and achieve sustainable development. 

The impacts of climate change are highly inequitable. The effects hit the poor, less resilient, and most vulnerable populations the hardest because they have limited capacity to recover from these shocks. In addition, rural communities often heavily on natural resources for livelihood. In Tanzania, smallholder producers such as farmers, livestock keepers, and fisherfolks produce of to 80% of food in the country and serious, interrelated climatic challenges.

Headquartered in the agriculturally, ecologically and climatically sensitive region of Morogoro, CRAST was established in January 2021 and started working with communities in rural districts of the region. Through our skilled and experienced team with a proven track record in climate adaptation and mitigation programs, CRAST is dedicated to serving as many vulnerable and marginalized communities as possible across the regions and districts of Tanzania.

CRAST holds an official national registration No. 00NGO/R/4968 under the Non-governmental Organizations Act, 2002 to carry out its operations in Tanzania Mainland awarded on 31st July 2023.