We work with rural communities to build climate resilience and achieve sustainable development in Tanzania.


We will undertake evidence-based advocacy to promote positive changes and adequate implementation of the national policy, plans and institutional framework that promote climate change adaptation for resilient economic development in the country. Our advocacy will be grounded in our on-the ground work with communities and high-quality research.


CRAST embraces climate science research and assessments to generate new knowledge, skills, and evidence for local adaptation solutions.

Our Approaches

Community engagement

We center the lived experience and local knowledge of communities to inform climate adaptation and resilience .


CRAST puts innovation at the center of its operations. We strive to reach out goal in new and creative ways that will satisfy the populations we serve.


We believe in the power of working together and in partnerships with like-minded organizations for wider impact and advancing mutual interests. CRAST prioritizes working with any public and private entities within the United Republic of Tanzania to ensure a climate-resilient society and ecosystems for sustainable development.

Thematic areas

Our focus areas for building climate-resilient communities and ecosystems are agriculture, Health security (HS), Climate-Induced Loss and Damage (CIL&D), Pastoralism, Blue economy (BE), Renewable energy (RE), Natural climate solutions (NCS), Nature-based Solutions (NbS), Water resources/WASH, and Carbon Market.

Our Activities


Support us working with people from local communities to build resilience and achieve sustainable development. .