Meet the Team

  • Mr Tondelo Gungulundi


    Tondelo is the driving force behind the establishment of CRAST. He has worked tirelessly with strong and strategic partners to make his aspiration and passion for building resilient communities a reality. He has 14+ years of national and international experience in designing and delivering climate change adaptation and mitigation programs and projects in Tanzania. Working with the government and NGOs, Tondelo gained deep experience in climate adaptation and mitigation in water resources, climate-smart farming, health security, climate services, natural climate solutions, livelihoods diversification, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Loss and Damage, Net Zero pathways, and Renewable Energy. He graduated with an MSc in Applied Climate Science and Society from Mekelle University in Ethiopia and a BSc in Environmental Planning and Management from the Institute of Rural Development Planning- Dodoma (IRDP).

  • Dr. Conrad Joseph Ndomba


    Dr. Conrad Joseph Ndomba is a founding member of the organization. He is a nationally experienced professional in environment and natural resources management. He worked with the government of the United Republic of Tanzania in various senior positions, the latest being a Sector Environmental Coordinator at the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development from 2003 to 2020. Ndomba holds a Ph.D. in Natural Resource Management from the University of Dar Es Salaam (2020) where his research focused on the impact of climate change on livestock keepers and farmers' livelihoods. He also pursued an MSc. and a BSc in Management of Natural Resources and Animal Science respectively from Sokoine University of Agriculture. He again did several training courses related to climate change mitigation and adaptation and Integrated Water Resource Management for Sustainable Livelihoods.

  • Modesta Kasigara


    Modesta is a founding member. She has 10+ years experience as an accountant, both in financial accounting, management accounting and grants/donor compliance, with an outstanding ability to facilitate decision-making.

  • Daniel Kasaya


    Daniel is also a founding member with vast experience in working with smallholder farmers and pastoralists in rural areas. He has extensively conducted extension works and agricultural advisories related to climate change, water resources, soils, and fertilization for sustainable production. Daniel graduated with his diploma in agricultural production from the Ministry of Agriculture Training Institute – Ilonga. He currently leads our field operations related to climate-smart farming.

  • Japhet Gabriel


    Japhet is a founding member and qualified secondary school teacher with experience in social media communication and photography. He holds an ordinary diploma in education majoring in Mathematics and Chemistry. Japhet takes care of all CRAST’s communication and dissemination activities of our operations.

Our Board

  • Patrick Lujinya

    Eng. Patrick Marko Lujinya is registered Consulting Engineer in Civil and Structural Engineering by the Engineers Registration Board (ERB), Tanzania. He is a Member of the Institution of Engineers Tanzania (MIET), and a Member of Consulting Engineers Tanzania (ACET). He holds a Masters in Structural Engineering and a Bachelor in civil and structural engineering. Eng. Lujinya has more than 18 years of experience in the design and construction supervision of highways/roads and complex structural and bridge engineering projects in Tanzania and outside the country.

  • Pendo Hyera


    Pendo is a Senior Community Development Expert, with over 10 years experience in community engagement work in the area of water resource management, climate change and environment. She has worked with the Ministry of water, WWF, Care International, Florida International University and IUCN. Pendo currently leads water security programs in Tanzania for Shahidi wa Maji. She is a member of the Regional Consumer Committee of EWURA CCC in Tanzania.


    Deodatus Mfugale

    Mr. Deodatus Mfugale is a seasoned environmental journalist with experience of about 30 years. Mr. Mfugale has covered local and international events related to climate change and sustainability, including the 60th UNGA (2005 World Summit), UNFCCC Conference of Parties and World Water Forums. He has worked with the EIA, WWF, TNRF, CANZ, Landesa, LEAT, HakiArdhi, and TALA. He is a member of the Tanzania Media Freedom Committee and Chairperson of Tanzania Media Foundation Founding Members. Currently, he is a correspondent for The Guardian Newspaper (TZ) and Welt-Sitchen (Germany).

  • Anna Sengai


    Anna Sangai is a keen and dedicated gender activist deeply committed to advancing the rights and equality of women and marginalized communities. Anna holds a Masters in Development Studies in Gender and Development and a Bachelor of Education. In her current role as a Senior Programme Officer at the Gender Training Institute, Anna remains at the forefront of driving change. Her work focuses on strengthening the gender analytical capacity and ideological clarity of women's movement constituencies, decision-makers, and other stakeholders. Through these efforts, she aims to advance gender equality, women's rights, and empowerment.

Our Advisors

  • Gaia Marini


    Gaia is an enthusiastic project and environmental manager, with five years’ experience delivering high-impact research, advocacy, policy and on-the-ground programmes for water resource management and climate change adaptation. She bring technical and management experience in coordinating environmental and international development programmes in Malawi, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Australia and the UK, for a total value of over £30 million, and producing high-quality knowledge and policy products for effective decision-making.

  • Laura Thiele

    ADVISOR - Comms & Media Advisor

    A German architect and graphic designer had her first assignment in Tanzania with CANTZ from 2019 to 2020. During these ten months, she contributed by conceptualizing and executing designs for the organization's website, brochures, and visual project documentation. Since 2023, Laura Thiele has been responsible for the development of the CRAST logo and serves as an external advisor. Her expertise seamlessly integrates various design disciplines, such as spatial, graphic, and web design, enhancing the organization's visual identity.

  • Cristina Bernal Aparicio

    ADVISOR - Climate Change Adaptation & Risk Management

    Cristina is a consultant in climate change adaptation Communications at a leading international organization. In this role, she assesses the adaptation progress of UNFCCC Parties, contributes to event planning, and implements communication strategies. She has previously served as a Development Consultant at UNESCAP specializing in digital development in the most vulnerable countries to reduce inequalities and climate change preparedness. She holds a master’s degree in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation from Lund University.